Richard Richthoff
Founder & Coach / RichZoneMalin´s enormous creativity with words and images has transformed RichZone´s vision to shine clearer to the outside world. Malin is great at listening and from that she is able to use her creativity to fuel any company identity. She is very much a part of our team and the instant feeling when you work with her is that she really cares. Together with Malin our company stand a better chance to make the world a better place through leadership development.
Monia Råholm
Marknadskommunikationschef / Rexel Sverige ABMalin Nordlund hjälpte mig och min avdelning med produktion av kataloger och kampanjer under en produktionstopp under några veckor. Hon kom direkt in i jobbet – mycket värdefullt i ett kritiskt läge där i princip ingen tid fanns till introduktion. Malin har en stor grafisk kompetens, både när det gäller kreativ höjd och förmåga att hålla sig inom ramar för grafiska riktlinjer. Andra utmärkande egenskaper hos Malin är ordning och reda, effektivt arbetssätt och att hon är självgående. Malin har också stor social kompetens, och blev på denna korta tid en i gemenskapen, en kollega att lita på. Behöver jag i framtiden stöttning med kompetens eller hjälp med produktion kommer jag att fråga Malin igen. Jag rekommenderar verkligen Malin till byråer eller marknadsavdelningar som behöver professionell hjälp med produktion och formgivning
Anna Trygg
Produkt manager / Nutropin Aq/ IpsenMalin hjälpte oss att uppdatera branding för ett av våra läkemedel. Hon gav produkten en ny, modern och fräsch look som helt överrensstämde med hur jag ville att produkten skulle uppfattas. Malin är professionell, kreativ och har en underlig förmåga att veta vad jag vill innan jag själv gör det. Ett sant nöje att arbeta med. Jag rekomenderar varmt Malin.
Trevor Smith
Chocolatier / MettiistoVery friendly, very helpful, great communication and most of all I am really pleased with the results. Helped me to turn my rough ideas into the logo I was looking for.
Chris Rowan
Voice over artist / IT consultant / Enough SaidMalin, your work is absolutely fantastic! You are the first graphic designer I have worked with that can CLEARLY take abstract concept descriptions and visualise them in graphic form. Your ability to deliver graphics in many technological forms and formats and in resonable timeframes is outstanding. All all of my clients that have seen your work are amazed at how quickly you "get it" when it comes to delivering to expectations. From Graphics to websites, newsletters and beyond. Your work is exemplary, Thank you and we will be in touch again.
Bernie Low
Co - founder / Select Origiin CoffeeMalin created a logo, website and business cards for our coffee roaster Select Origin when we first started the company in 2010. I have previous experience working with advertising agencies and graphic designers and that's why I know that I found someone good when I started working with her. She understands what you want before you even know it yourself and her creativity seems to know no boundaries. It's been an absolute pleasure and I can recommend Malin to anyone!
Hugh Williams
Director / Owner / Marketstrat Pty LtdMalin is the easiest person to work with and she does excellent work! I am very pleased with the designs she developed and how she interpreted and personalised the key messages I wanted to promote to visitors to my web site I will let you be the judge.
Andrew Carlton
Owner / Director / Voice over artist / Outta the box GroupSince my company’s first project with Malin many years ago, I have insisted Malin handle all design and imaging projects for our company. Malin was there from image creation. She went above and beyond to grasp a true understanding of who we were, what we stood for and what we wanted to project to the marketplace. She then incorporated those concepts into every aspect of her beautiful and effective designs throughout every project, from numerous logos for each of our branches through to websites, stationary and even guerilla and viral marketing campaigns. In a borderless world it’s easy to access poor to average design that will do little to serve your company. But when you find someone with this kind of talent, knowledge and global understanding, you hold onto them with both hands because they have just become an essential partner in your business.